Anne-Florence Bitbol (chair), CNRS - Sorbonne Universite
Jeff Gore (chair elect), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lingchong You (outgoing chair), Duke University
Gabor Balazsi, Stony Brook University
Mark Chan, San Francisco State University
Michael Deem, Rice University
Mary Dunlop, Boston University
Hana El-Samad, University of California, San Francisco
Oleg Igoshin, Rice University
Elena Koslover, University of California, San Diego
Robin Lee, University of Pittsburgh
Alexandre Morozov, Rutgers University
Andrew Mugler, Purdue University
Arvind Murugan, University of Chicago
Chris Rao, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
David Schwab, City University of New York
Doug Shepherd, University of Colorado-Denver
Wenying Shou, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Eduardo Sontag, Northeastern University
Mara Steinkamp, University of New Mexico
Qiong Yang, University of Michigan